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Verbs with hands

Action Verbs for Hand Movements:

Learn common action verbs for hand movements with this engaging video.

Here are 6 action verbs for hand movements covered in the video.

  • Pat: Gently touch something repeatedly with an open hand. Example: "She patted the dog's head".
  • Slap: Hit something with an open hand. Example: "He slapped the table in frustration".
  • Punch: Hit something with a closed fist. Example: "The boxer punched the bag".
  • Scratch: Rub your skin or an object with your nails. Example: "He scratched his arm where it itched".
  • Grab: Take hold of something quickly. Example: "She grabbed her keys and ran out the door".
  • Hold: Keep something in your hand. Example: "He held the baby gently".

Watch the video to see these actions demonstrated and practice using these verbs in sentences. By learning these verbs, you'll be able to describe hand movements accurately and enhance your English communication skills.

Gestures - BeginnerVocabularyGeneral EnglishBeginner

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