Time idioms
Time Idioms in English
Discover common time idioms to improve your English fluency and comprehension. Learn their meanings and usage with examples.
Time idioms are expressions that convey specific meanings related to time. In this video, we explore 4 popular time idioms and their meanings.
- Against the clock: very rushed. Example: "We are working against the clock to finish the project by Friday".
- In the blink of an eye: happens too fast. Example: "The accident happened in the blink of an eye".
- A day late and a dollar short: too late. Example: "His apology was a day late and a dollar short".
- The moment of truth: decisive time. Example: "The moment of truth came when she had to present her findings to the board".
Understanding and using these time idioms can enhance your English communication skills, making your speech more engaging and precise.
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