Introducing Data in Presentations
In this video, we demonstrate how to introduce data or statistics seamlessly during a business presentation. These phrases will help you present your information clearly and professionally, making it easier for your audience to understand and engage with the content.
Here are four key ways to introduce data:
• Let’s take a closer look at the data supporting this: This phrase invites the audience to focus on the facts that support your main argument.
• I’d like to highlight a few key statistics here: Use this to emphasize important statistics that reinforce your message.
• To give you a better understanding, here are some figures to consider: This is a great way to provide additional context and clarity through data.
• Here’s the data that backs up what we’ve been discussing: Perfect for summarizing key data points that support your previous discussion.
These phrases are essential for presenting data in a business context. By practicing these expressions, you’ll gain confidence in using data to make your presentations more persuasive and informative.
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