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End a phone call professionally

How to End Business Phone Calls Professionally

Master key phrases to end business phone calls with this helpful video lesson.

Ending a business phone call professionally is crucial for maintaining a positive impression. This video lesson introduces phrases that native speakers use to conclude their calls effectively.

  • When they called to ask for information, say: "Thank you so much for calling. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to let me know". This phrase shows gratitude and openness to further communication.
  • When they left a message for someone, say: "Thank you for calling. I'll make sure she gets the message". This response is polite and ensures the caller that their message will be delivered.
  • When they called to set up a meeting, say: "Thanks for calling. I'll see you next week!". This phrase confirms the meeting and ends the call on a positive note.

Using these phrases can help you end business calls smoothly and professionally. They convey appreciation, clarity, and confidence, leaving a lasting positive impression on the other party.

Phone calls at work - IntermediateTipsBusiness EnglishIntermediate

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