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Common Texting Abbreviations: YOLO, FTW, OTP, HMU, TMI

Discover the meanings of common texting abbreviations with this helpful video.

Here are 5 abbreviations covered in the video.

  • YOLO (You Only Live Once). "YOLO" encourages people to take risks and live life to the fullest. For example, "Let's go skydiving! YOLO!".
  • FTW (For The Win). "FTW" is used to express enthusiasm or support for a choice or action. For instance, "Pizza for dinner, FTW!".
  • OTP (On The Phone). "OTP" is used to indicate that someone is currently talking on the phone. For example, "Can't talk now, OTP".
  • HMU (Hit Me Up). "HMU" means to contact someone or get in touch. For instance, "I'm free this weekend. HMU!".
  • TMI (Too Much Information). "TMI" is used when someone shares more details than necessary, often of a personal nature. For example, "I didn't need to know that, TMI!",

Watch the video and learn how to use them correctly. Improving your texting skills with these abbreviations will help you communicate more effectively and keep up with modern slang.

Acronyms & abbreviations - IntermediateWritingGeneral EnglishIntermediate

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