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"Leverage" Meaning

Discover the meaning of 'leverage' and learn how to use this term.

"Leverage" means to gain an advantage or use something to maximum advantage.

Example: "If we modify our marketing approach, we can get some real leverage over our competitors".

This sentence illustrates how changing a strategy can create a significant advantage over others.

Using "leverage" in your vocabulary can help you express the concept of utilizing resources, strategies, or situations to gain an upper hand. 

Here are additional examples:

  • "By leveraging new technology, the company improved its efficiency".
  • "She leveraged her network to find a better job opportunity".

These examples show how "leverage" can be applied in various contexts to indicate gaining an advantage. Whether you're discussing business strategies, personal achievements, or competitive situations, "leverage" is a versatile term that conveys the idea of optimizing and maximizing benefits.

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