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Heteronyms examples

Heteronyms Examples (Part 3): Improve Your English Pronunciation

Discover 5 challenging heteronyms to enhance your English pronunciation and comprehension skills with practical examples.

Heteronyms are words that share the same spelling but have different pronunciations and meanings, making them a challenge for English learners. In this video, we will explore five heteronyms to help you understand their proper usage in different contexts.

  • "Bow" can be pronounced BAU when referring to bending forward, typically to show respect, and BOH when referring to a tied ribbon or the front of a ship. 
  • "Console" can be pronounced KAHNsole when referring to a gaming device or a storage compartment and kunSOLE when meaning to comfort someone in distress.
  • "Lead" is pronounced LEED when referring to guiding or directing, and LED when talking about a type of metal. 
  • "Project" can be pronounced proJEKT when talking about a planned undertaking and PRAHjekt when meaning to extend or throw something forward.
  • "Bass" is pronounced BASE when referring to a deep, low voice or tone, and BASS when talking about a type of fish.

Understanding these heteronyms will greatly improve your English speaking and comprehension skills. Practice these examples to become more confident with tricky English words and enhance your overall language proficiency!

Homophones & heteronyms - ElementaryPronunciationGeneral EnglishElementary

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