Finding a seat
Asking to Sit on a Bus
Learn how to politely ask for a seat on a bus with our helpful video, featuring practical phrases.
Our video on asking to sit on a bus teaches you courteous expressions to use in public transportation.
Here are some polite phrases you can use when finding a seat.
- "May I sit here?". A polite and straightforward way to ask if you can take a seat.
- "Is this seat taken?". A common phrase to check if the seat is already occupied.
- "Do you mind if I sit here?". A courteous way to ask for permission to sit.
- "Would it be okay if I took this seat?". A formal and polite way to inquire about taking a seat.
- "Is this spot free?". A simple and polite way to ask if the seat is available.
- "Mind if I grab this seat?". A casual yet polite way to ask for a seat.
When you are traveling in a busy city or exploring a new place, knowing how to ask for a seat politely can make your journey more comfortable and pleasant.
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