Confusing Kitchen Words - Vocabulary Practice
In the kitchen, certain words can be confusing for English learners because they refer to similar items, but have different uses. This video breaks down common kitchen words to help you understand their proper meanings and improve your vocabulary.
For example, a "cup" and a "mug" may seem alike, but a cup is typically smaller and without a handle, while a mug is larger and comes with a handle. Similarly, a "spoon" is used for stirring or eating, but a "ladle" is a large, deep spoon used for serving soups or sauces.
The video also clarifies the difference between a "plate" and a "bowl"—a plate is flat, while a bowl is deeper for holding liquids. A "colander" and a "strainer" are used to drain food, but a colander has bigger holes and is used for pasta or vegetables, while a strainer has finer mesh for sifting.
By understanding these subtle differences, you'll feel more confident in the kitchen and in your conversations about cooking. Watch the video to expand your kitchen vocabulary!
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