Adverbs of probability
Understanding Adverbs of Probability: Express Certainty in English
Enhance your English vocabulary by mastering adverbs of probability. Learn to express different levels of certainty with ease.
Adverbs of probability are essential for expressing how certain you are about an event or situation. They help convey the likelihood of something happening. Here’s a guide to understanding and using adverbs of probability, ranging from 100% certainty to 0%.
- 100% - Definitely: Indicates absolute certainty.
- 90% - Almost certainly: Indicates very high probability.
- 80% - Likely: Indicates strong probability.
- 70% - Probably: Indicates good probability.
- 60% - Perhaps: Indicates moderate possibility.
- 50% - Maybe: Indicates equal chances of happening or not happening.
- 40% - Unlikely: Indicates low probability.
- 30% - Improbably: Indicates very low probability.
- 20% - Doubtfully: Indicates strong doubt.
- 10% - Almost never: Indicates very rare occurrence.
- 0% - Definitely not: Indicates absolute certainty of not happening.
With these adverbs of probability, you can communicate more precisely and effectively in English.
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